Month: November 2017

Global Traveler

Dogsled, Lapland Finland, November 2017 Photo: © VADYM LAVRA | DREAMSTIME By Kristy Alpert – November 1, 2017 AS A KID GROWING UP IN TEXAS, the closest I ever came to dogsledding was when I strapped on a pair of inline skates and took my black Lab out for a…


15 Hotels Built on Volcanoes By Kristy Alpert Volcanoes are all at once devastatingly majestic and powerfully peaceful, harnessing the power to both create and destroy while offering a thrilling mix of beauty and danger for adventurous travelers. Whether your style is more about waking up on the edge of…

Global Traveler

World’s Best Wine Regions August 2017, Features Photo: Old clay pots used for winemaking in Tbilisi, Georgia © DMYTRO LOBODA | DREAMSTIME.COM By Kristy Alpert – August 1, 2017 ONE BY ONE I SLIPPED off my sandals and let my toes sink into the cool, lush lawn that stretched from…